!!35th Annual Business Meeting of the Academia Europaea members
!Monday 9th October, 2023\\17:00 (Munich time) - 19:00\\(physical meeting)  at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Munich, Germany\\[Maplink|https://goo.gl/maps/1HGb5VFnDn4jK9su6]

!!Draft agenda 
__From 1 October,  ALL DOCUMENTS will be found below.__
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A series of pre-AGM membership wide electronic ballots on the motions below will be held online from 20th September  – 30th September. Members will be mailed separately about these.
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(__NOTE:__ an agenda and documents pack will be available at the door of the meeting room for any physical attendees). __PLEASE ALSO SIGN THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER AT THE DOOR__.
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__In the chair: The President – Professor. Dr. Marja Makarow (Helsinki)__

!1.	Welcome, adoption of the 2023 draft agenda  (members present)  	[ [DOCUMENT 1|AGM 2023 DOC 1 Agenda (V6 19-09-23).pdf] ]

!2. To adopt the minutes of the AGM held on AGM held on 21 October, 2022	[ [DOCUMENT 2|DOCUMENT 2 - Minutes of the Annual meeting 2022 Barcelona (draft).pdf] ]
__Transaction of Ordinary Business__
!3. Reports  (covering the past 12 months and going forward): QUESTIONS ARE INVITED

*3.1  President - Marja Makarow. 2022 summary Trustees (Activity) report [ [DOCUMENT 3.1a|Document 3.1a - President_s statement to the Trustees report 2022 (AGM Document 3.1).docx] ]

__Report of the result of the online ballot of members, to the Motion: ''“That the AGM adopt the 2022 Trustees report”''.__ [ [DOCUMENT 3.1|Document 3.1 2022 Trustees (activity) report FIN and signed (2).pdf] ]
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*3.2 Finance – Professor Stephen Evans (Treasurer) a summary report has been tabled in advance and the 2022 examined  accounts made available online. [ [DOCUMENT 3.2a|Document  3.2a  2022 Hon Treasurer_s report (FIN).pdf] ]

__Report of the result of the online ballot of members, to the motion: ''“That members adopt the 2022 accounts“''.__ [ [DOCUMENT 3.2|Document 3.2 - The Academia Europaea Examined Accounts for 2022.pdf] ]
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*3.2.1 Outcome of the e-ballot of members on the Motion: “__That members agree to  re-appoint the Audit/Examiners: Messrs Keith Vaudrey and Co. Ltd, London“.__

*3.2.2  Annual members’ financial contribution for 2024

Outcome of the e-ballot of members to the Motion: “__The Members are asked to approve the trustees recommendation, for an  annual, [[voluntary] contribution based on an age–related scale, and effective from January 1st  2024. As follows: __
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__Ordinary members__\\
Members up to and including 65 years of age: 150 Euro\\
Members 66 - 75 years of age: 85 Euro\\
__Foreign members:__ 85 Euro\\
__Members over 75:__ Voluntary donations are welcomed but they are optional
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Motion for the room:\\
''__"The Members (present) are asked to approve an establishment fee for all new (2024) members of 150 Euros, irrespective of age at the time of their acceptance of membership.”__''
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__Other Business (as time allows)__
!4.  Future Developments 

!5.  Report on the AE engagement in the SAPEA Plus Horizon Europe Project – Professor Ole Petersen. Academic Director – Cardiff Knowledge Hub and plans for future SAPEA involvement.

!6. Brief AE Regional Knowledge Hub Reports 2022/23: 

*__Barcelona__ (Prof. Jaume Bertranpetit Academic Director,  Ms Maite Sánchez Riera - Hub Manager)
*__Bergen__ (Prof. Eystein Jansen Academic Director, Ms Kristen Baaken - Hub Manager)
*__Budapest__ (Dr Gergely Bőhm, Hub Manager)
*__Cardiff__ (Prof. Ole Petersen, Hub Director)
*__Tbilisi__ (Prof David Prangishvilli – Academic Director, Ms Sofia Kobakhidze – Hub Manager)
*__Wroclaw__ (Prof. Arkadiusz Wojs Academic Director, Ms Kasia Majkowska – Hub Manager)
*__Graz Data Centre__ (Mr Helmut Leitner – Technical Director, Ms Dana Kaiser, Administrator)

!7. Report by the Editor-in-Chief of the European Review – Professor Alban Kellerbauer

!8. Plans for 2024
*Call for nominations for election to membership – open 10 October 2023 - 31 January 2024
*Other plans?
Questions from the membership?
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Closing remarks (Professor Makarow).
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*[AGM 2023 Document 1 - Agenda|AGM 2023 DOC 1 Agenda (V6 19-09-23).pdf] (pdf) (updated 19%%sup th/% September, 2023)
*[AGM 2023 Document 1 - Agenda|AGM 2023 DOC 1 Agenda (V6 19-09-23).docx] (Word) (updated 19%%sup th/% September, 2023)
*[AGM 2023 Document 2 - Minutes of the 2022 AGM|DOCUMENT 2 - Minutes of the Annual meeting 2022 Barcelona (draft).pdf] (pdf)
*[AGM 2023 Document 2 - Minutes of the 2022 AGM|DOCUMENT 2 - Minutes of the Annual meeting 2022 Barcelona (draft).docx] (Word)
*[Document 3.1 2022 Trustees (activity) report|Document 3.1 2022 Trustees (activity) report FIN and signed (2).pdf] (pdf)
*[Document 3.1a President's report |Document 3.1a - President_s statement to the Trustees report 2022 (AGM Document 3.1).docx]
*[Document 3.2 - The Academia Europaea Examined Accounts for 2022|Document 3.2 - The Academia Europaea Examined Accounts for 2022.pdf] (pdf)
*[Document 3.2a - Treasurer's report on the 2022 accounts|Document  3.2a  2022 Hon Treasurer_s report (FIN).pdf] (pdf)
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!Regional Knowledge Hub websites:

Barcelona: [https://aebarcelona.eu]\\
Bergen: [https://aebergen.w.uib.no]\\
Budapest: [https://mta.hu/aebudapest]\\
Cardiff: [http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]\\
Wroclaw: [http://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl]\\
Tbilisi: [https://www.aetbilisihub.org]\\
Corporate website: [https://www.ae-info.org]\\
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*[AE Statutes and regulations|Acad_Main/About_us/Governance]
*[AE Section chairs and committees|Acad_Main/About_us/Academic_Management]
*[Academia Europaea: Origin and early days|academia_europaea_origin_and_early_days.pdf]
*[Full Regulations AE CO LTD amended 5 November 2019|Full Regulations AE co ltd amended 5 November 2019.pdf]
*[AE Information Leaflet (2020)|Acad_Main/About_us/What_are_we/Academia_Europaea_LEAFLET_2020.pdf]
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*[2022 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2022 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2021 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2021 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2019 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2019 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2018: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2018 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2017: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2017 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2016: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2016 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2015: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2015 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2014: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2014 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2013: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2013 Annual Business Meeting of Members]