!!''Disputatio'' of Barcelona 2019
__November 13th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm\\
Venue: Institute for Catalan Studies__

!Topic: “A new Humanism for the 21st century? Specialisation vs. generalisation”

Today, highly specialised expertise in terms of narrowly defined regional competences is required in virtually all domains, but this trend has increased the gap between the humanities and the sciences, raising fundamental questions about how we wish to understand ourselves as knowing subjects.
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[Maciej Lewenstein|Member/Lewenstein_Maciej] MAE, ICREA Research Professor and Quantum Optics Theory Group Leader at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO); and Silvia De Bianchi, Ramon y Cajal Fellow at the Department of Philosophy and Centre for the History of Science, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).


[Alexander Fidora|Member/Fidora_Alexander] MAE, ICREA Research Professor, Department of Ancient and Medieval Studies, UAB. 
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__Web:__ [http://barcelona.acadeuro.org]\\
__Email:__ [barcelona@acadeuro.org|mailto:barcelona@acadeuro.org]\\
__Hub contact:__ Kimberly Katte: [barcelona@acadeuro.org|mailto:barcelona@acadeuro.org]
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