!!ERC Starting Grant mentoring 
__3rd June, 14.00 - 16.00 CEST, online event__
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The Budapest Knowledge Hub, in collaboration with the Young Academy of Europe (YAE), is organising a ERC Starting Grant mentoring session. The webinar will be opened by ERC President, [Maria Leptin|Member/Leptin_Maria]. __
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On the 3rd of June 2024, between 14:00-16:00 hrs (CET), the [Young Academy of Europe|https://yacadeuro.org] (YAE) in collaboration with the [Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub|https://mta.hu] will host an online event on Zoom for researchers from all around the world who would be interested in applying to the next round of the [European Research Council’s (ERC) Starting Grant (StG)|https://erc.europa.eu/apply-grant/starting-grant]. One of the main missions of this event series is to promote widening participation to researchers from EU13 and Associated Countries.
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The online event will include two parts. First, a plenary information session with welcoming words from [Prof. László Lovász|Member/Lovász_László] (ERC Scientific Council member), [Péter Hegyi|Member/Hegyi_Péter] (Academic Director, Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub) and __Katalin Solymosi__ (Chair, Young Academy of Europe), followed by a presentation by [Maria Leptin|Member/Leptin_Maria] (President of ERC) about the __why and what of the ERC’s recent changes to the evaluation of research proposals__, and a talk by __Angela Liberatore__ (Head of the Scientific Management Department at ERC Executive Agency) about the implementation of the recently introduced changes in the grant evaluation procedures. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A to be moderated by __Scott Bremer__ (Vice-Chair, Young Academy of Europe).
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The second part of the event will include three parallel sessions by domain, __each featuring current YAE members who have recently secured an ERC StG__ and who will share their pieces of __advice about grant proposal writing and oral interview preparation__ with the audience of the domain-specific break-out rooms: __Physical Sciences & Engineering__ (PE), __Life Sciences__ (LS), and __Social Sciences & Humanitie__s (SH).

!Plenary part:

__14:00-14:10__ Opening – __László Lovász__ (ERC Scientific Council Member)
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__Péter Hegyi__ (Academic Director, AE Budapest Hub)\\
__Katalin Solymosi__ (Chair, YAE)
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__14:10-14:25__ __Maria Leptin__ (President, ERC): The why and what of the ERC’s recent changes to the evaluation of research proposals
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__14:25-14:35__ Q & A
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__14:35-14:50__ __Angela Liberatore__ (Head of the Scientific Management Department at ERCEA): Implementing the novelties in ERC evaluations
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__14:50-15:00__ Q & A
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Moderator: __Scott Bremer__ (YAE, Vice-Chair)
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__Second part of the event, with 3 different, parallel break-out sessions dedicated to the three domains:__
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__15:00-16:00__ __''Domain PE''__ - __Nicoló Maccaferri__ (physicist, material scientist, FYAE), Péter Nagy (chemist) and __Manuel Souto Salom__ (chemist, FYAE), Moderator: __Linn Leppert__ (theoretical physicist, YAE treasurer)
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__15:00-16:00__ __''Domain LS''__ - __Gautam De__y (biologist, FYAE) and __Zohreh Hosseinzadeh__ (biologist, FYAE), Moderator: __Philippa Warren__ (biologist, YAE Membership Chair)
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__15:00-16:00__ __''Domain SH''__ - __Jihan Zakarriya__ (literature scholar, FYAE) and __Ágoston Berecz__ (historian), Moderator: __Mona Simion __(philosopher, YAE Recruitment Chair)
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Further information on [YAE’s website|https://yacadeuro.org/7957-2]. Zoom-link will be shared with registered users.
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[Details, documents and recordings of the previous YAE ERC StG Mentoring Events|https://yacadeuro.org/yae-erc-starting-grant-mentoring-events].

!Please pass this [event information|https://mta.hu/aebudapest-news/erc-stg-mentoring-event-online-coming-on-june-3-113646] along to any ECRs in your teams or networks who may benefit from this session. 

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Last updated on May 15, 2024.
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