!!Cardiff Knowledge Hub Newsletter
!Autumn 2017
[{Image src='Petersen_Ole.jpg' caption='Professor Ole Petersen, Honorary Academic Director, Cardiff Knowledge Hub and Vice-President, Academia Europaea' height='200' alt='Ole Petersen' class='image_left'}] 
!Update on the European Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM)

As we mentioned in our last newsletter, the Cardiff Hub’s focus in recent months has been on [Food from the Oceans|https://ec.europa.eu/research/sam/index.cfm?pg=oceanfood], the first SAM project to be coordinated by the [SAPEA|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/about-us/projects/sapea-project] (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) Consortium. It has been led by Academia Europaea, with responsibility for delivery of the work given to the Cardiff Hub. The key output will be an evidence review report.
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There is still much work to do, but we are now on the home straight in terms of publishing the report. After scrutiny at an expert workshop in September, the draft went for peer review in October. The final report is due to be handed over to the European Commission at the end of November, following endorsement on behalf of the academies of Europe.

!Honour for Professor Petersen

Professor Petersen has been elected Honorary Member of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases in recognition of “his ground-breaking work on the function of ion channels in epithelial cells and the role of calcium signal transduction in the exocrine pancreas”. Read our [news item|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2017/09/18/professor-ole-petersen-receives-honour-from-german-society-for-gastroenterology-digestive-and-metabolic-diseases].
[{Image src='Dorado_Ladera_Esther.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Esther Dorado-Ladera_Esther' class='image_left'}]
!New executive officer for projects

We welcome Esther Dorado-Ladera, who joined the Cardiff Hub in September to support projects, particularly SAPEA.
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!Strengthening relationships between academies in Europe

Members of the Academia Europaea Hubs played an active role at SAPEA workshops
designed to strengthen relationships between academies, held in Madrid and Bucharest.
[{Image src='cardiff_newsletter_autumn_2017_01.jpg' caption='Madrid workshop' height='300' alt='' align='center'}]
In Bucharest, Professor Petersen presented SAPEA and took part in a panel that discussed the role of academies in providing scientific advice. Louise Edwards and Esther Dorado-Ladera of the Cardiff Hub facilitated some of the sessions at both events.
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[{Image src='cardiff_newsletter_autumn_2017_02.jpg' caption='Professor Petersen (centre), with Dr Yves Caristan (Secretary General, Euro-CASE) and Rapela Zaman (Director of International Affairs, The Royal Society) during the panel discussion' height='250' alt='' align='center'}]

!Public engagement

In co-operation between SAPEA and the Union of German Science Academies, a public debate on how to extract more food
from the oceans took place at the Hamburg Academy in early October. SAPEA was represented by Professor Petersen. Read our [news item|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2017/10/08/public-debate-in-hamburg].

!Recent Events

''Brexit revisited: future prospects for university research. Cardiff University, 19th October''
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In November 2016, we hosted a panel debate exploring the impact of Brexit on the future of UK research. Nearly twelve months on, is there greater clarity on the major issues affecting university research? Do the opportunities and challenges remain the same, or has the landscape shifted? Our distinguished panel of experts provided a lively lunchtime debate, with audience interaction. Read our [report|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2017/10/20/brexit-revisited-prospects-for-university-research].
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''Crossing boundaries: new approaches to science for policy in Europe, 13th October''
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A major SAPEA symposium examined how global policy challenges are being addressed through evidence-based scientific advice. The event was organised by SAPEA, with the Cardiff Hub responsible for shaping the programme. Read our [report|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2017/10/17/crossing-boundaries-new-approaches-to-science-for-policy-in-europe].
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[{Image src='cardiff_newsletter_autumn_2017_03.jpg' caption='Panel discussion on public engagement at the Crossing Boundaries symposium' height='400' alt='' align='center'}]
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[{Image src='cardiff_newsletter_autumn_2017_04_small.jpg' caption='Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas, addresses the conference' height='300' alt='' class='image_left'}]
''European research excellence: impact and value for society, 12th October''
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A large international conference in Tallinn, Estonia, focused on the impact and value
of European research. The event was organised as part of the Estonian Presidency of the European Council, with
Professor Sierd Cloetingh (AE President) and Louise Edwards (AE Cardiff Hub Manager) acting in advisory and editorial roles as members of the Steering Group. Read our [report|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2017/10/17/european-research-excellence-impact-and-value-for-society].
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[{Image src='cardiff_newsletter_autumn_2017_05.jpg' caption='Professor Sierd Cloetingh, President of Academia Europaea and COST' height='200' alt='' class='image_right'}]
!Forthcoming Events

''International networks: creating opportunities for collaborative research and funding. Cardiff University, 28th November.''
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Join Academia Europaea President,
Professor Sierd Cloetingh, and other expert
panellists. [Further details|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales/2017/10/23/international-networks-creating-opportunities-for-collaborative-research-and-funding].
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Download the [Newsletter|Cardiff Hub Newsletter Autumn 2017.pdf]
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