!!Call for Nominations (from 1 December 2022)\\The 2023 Academia Europaea Sydney Brenner Medal
__[The Academia Europaea (AE) Sydney Brenner Medal (SBM)|Acad_Main/Activities/Awards_and_Prizes/Sydney_Brenner_Medal] is a Medal established by the Class of Life Sciences (Class C) of AE during the 2022 Annual Meeting. It has been created in recognition of the substantial contribution to science of one of the founding members of the Academy - [Sydney Brenner|Member/Brenner_Sydney].__ 
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The SBM honours the best in scholarship and personal achievements within a period of not more than 20 years after obtaining the PhD degree (with allowance for career breaks) by an individual scholar, working in the field of molecular biology and related disciplines.
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The search and evaluation committee consists of the Chair of Class C. Plus, the Section Chairs of Class C, the initiators of the Medal ([John Wong|Member/Wong_John] MAE and [Balázs Gulyás|Member/Gulyás_Balázs] MAE) and __Byrappa Venkatesh__ (SG), [Sir Keith Peters|Member/Peters_Keith] MAE (UK), __Michael Hayden__ (CA) and __Philip Goelet__ (US). 
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Nominations should be submitted by AE members. Non-AE-member nominators are welcome to second the nomination. All academic nominations must be supported by detailed evidence of the suitability of any candidate. Due to the nature of the Medal, posthumous nominations are not eligible.
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Candidates are not restricted to members of the Academia Europaea. In case of a non-member is being judged suitable to receive the award, the award will come with an invitation and induction to membership.
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The Medallist will receive a Bronze Medal of Sydney Brenner and a diploma and will deliver a Sydney Brenner Memorial Lecture, either at an annual meeting of AE, or at a dedicated Class C meeting. The travel and accommodation costs of the Medallist will be covered by AE.
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__You are most welcome to submit a nomination using the [2023 nomination form|AE_Sydney_Brenner_Medal_Nomination_form_2023.docx] via email to Prof. Gulyás, Co-ordinator of the Sydney Brenner Medal search process, at [balazs.gulyas@ki.se|mailto:balazs.gulyas@ki.se]), with a copy to our secretariat ([Execsec@acadeuro.org|mailto:Execsec@acadeuro.org]). __
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If possible, please add the CV and the publication list of the candidate as well as a suggested ‘laudator’ of the candidate to your nomination. 
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The closing date of the nomination period is the __31st of May 2023 (midnight GMT)__.
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[{Image src='Brenner_Sydney_0019_small.jpg' caption='Professor Sydney Brenner' height='400' alt='Sydney Brenner' align='center'}]