!!Ocean waves: the perfect example of a complex system
__Date:__ 25 June 2024, 11:00 CET\\
__Venue:__ University of Science and Technology, A-1 building, Room 241 Wrocław, Poland\\
__Hybrid seminar:__ on-site & on-line\\
__Organizers:__ The seminar is organized jointly by [Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] and __Science meets Social Science seminar__. The event is conducted in English. Join the seminar [on-line|https://pwr-edu.zoom.us/j/65969085547?pwd=UQsmg0iYQGNyCQIq6zTcH75sMDbMlt.1#success] (zoom). No registration necessary for on-site attendance.
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__As part of a series of events on the topic of Smart Cities [Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] together with Science meets Social Science seminar is pleased to invite scientists, scholars, and enthusiasts to an insightful [seminar|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/events/seminary-by-prof-frederic-dias-ocean-waves-the-perfect-example-of-a-complex-system] held by [Professor Frédéric Dias|Member/Dias_Frederic] MAE focusing on the mechanisms and dynamics of the natural forces that shape our planet.
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The seminar will examine the complexities of ocean waves, address the challenges they pose and highlight innovative efforts to harness their energy, while underlying also the importance of local community involvement in ocean waves related projects. It is an interdisciplinary event, both in the selection of topics and the use of expert knowledge from diverse areas of science of building a wave observation station. Professor Dias will discuss establishing a wave observation station on Ireland’s West Coast, integrating technology, community involvement and environmental care into the concept of a 'smart city' for coastal areas.__

“''Scales in ocean waves range from the molecule size (of the order of the nanometre) to the size of the earth (several thousands of kilometres). In this talk, we will explore the complexity of this wide range of waves. We will describe the scientific challenges associated with the study of ocean waves and how a multidisciplinary approach is often the only way to move forward. Ocean waves can be both beneficial to society and damaging to infrastructures when they become highly energetic. We will focus on two particular topics: (i) Extracting the energy of ocean waves: why has it mostly failed so far? and (ii) Building our own wave observation station in a remote area on the west coast of Ireland: how involving the local community has played a vital role in shaping the success of the station.''”
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[{Image src='Dias_Frederic.jpg' caption='' height='250' alt='Frédéric Dias' class='image_left'}]
!!About Frederic Dias

Professor Frédéric Dias, member of the [Earth and Cosmic Sciences|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences] section of Academia Europaea since 2017, is professor at the Department of Mathematics, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France (''Classe Exceptionnelle'' since 1 September 2008) since 1999 and since 2009 visiting professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin.
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His research is centered on hydrodynamics, focusing on extreme waves and wave measurement. Frédéric Dias oversees the ENSPS/UCD wave group and has received four ERC grants.
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