!!Rob Kitchin - Selected Publications

Kitchin, R. (2019) The timescape of smart cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 109(3): 775-790. \\
Cardullo, P., di Feliciantonio, C. and Kitchin, R. (eds) (2019) The Right to the Smart City. Emerald, Bingley. \\
Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2019) The (in)security of smart cities: vulnerabilities, risks, mitigation and prevention. Journal of Urban Technology 26(2) 47-65. \\
Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (2018) Digital turn, digital geographies? Progress in Human Geography 42(1): 25-43. \\
Cardullo, P. and Kitchin, R. (2019) Being a ‘citizen’ in the smart city: Up and down the scaffold of smart citizen participation in Dublin, Ireland. GeoJournal 84(1): 1-13. \\
Perng, S-Y., Kitchin, R. and MacDonncha, D. (2018) Hackathons, entrepreneurial life and the making of smart cities. Geoforum 97: 189-197. \\
Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Rickards, L., Rossi, U., Datta, A. and Crampton, J. (2018) The possibilities and limits to dialogue. Dialogues in Human Geography 8(2): 109-123.\\
Evans, L. and Kitchin, R. (2018) A smart place to work? Big data systems, labour, control, and modern retail stores. New Technology, Work and Employment 33(1): 44-57.\\
Perng, S. and Kitchin, R. (2018) Solutions and frictions in civic hacking: Collaboratively designing and building a queuing app for an immigration office. Social and Cultural Geography 19(1): 1-20.\\
Cardullo, P., Kitchin, R. and di Feliciantonio, C. (2018) Living Labs, vacancy, and gentrification. Cities 73: 44-50.\\
Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Kitchin, R. (eds) (2018) Creating Smart Cities. Routledge, London.\\
Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (Eds) (2018) Digital Geographies. Sage, London.\\
Kitchin, R. (2017) Thinking critically about and researching algorithms.  Information, Communication and Society 20(1): 14-29.\\
Kitchin, R. (2017) The realtimeness of smart cities.  Tecnoscienza 8(2): 19-42.\\
Kitchin, R., Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Mac Donncha, D. (2017) Smart cities, urban technocrats, epistemic communities, advocacy coalitions and the ‘last mile’ problem.  it – Information Technology 59(6): 275-284.\\
Coletta, C. and Kitchin, R. (2017) Algorhythmic governance: Regulating the ‘heartbeat’ of a city using the Internet of Things. Big Data and Society 4: 1-16. \\
Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P. and McArdle, G. (Eds) (2017) Data and the City.  Routledge, London.\\
Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P. and Wilson, M. (Eds) (2017) Understanding Spatial Media.  Sage, London. \\
Kitchin, R. (2017) Thinking critically about and researching algorithms.  Information, Communication and Society 20(1): 14-29. \\
Kitchin, R., Maalsen, S. and McArdle, G. (2016) The praxis and politics of building urban dashboards.  Geoforum 77: 93-101. \\
McArdle, G. and Kitchin, R. (2016) Improving the veracity of open and real-time urban data. Built Environment 42(3): 446-462, \\
Kitchin, R. (2016) The ethics of smart cities and urban science. Philosophical Transactions A 374(2083): 1-15.\\
Perng, S-Y., Kitchin, R. and Evans, L. (2016) Locative media and data-driven computing experiments. Big Data and Society 3: 1-12. \\
Kitchin, R. and McArdle, G. (2016) What makes big data, big data? Exploring the ontological characteristics of 26 datasets. Big Data and Society 3: 1–10.\\
Kitchin, R. and Perng, S-Y. (Eds) (2016) Code and the City.  Routledge, London.\\
Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. and McArdle, G. (2015) Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards. Regional Studies, Regional Science 2: 1-28. \\
Kitchin, R. (2015) The opportunities, challenges and risks of big data for official statistics. Statistical Journal of the International Association of Official Statistics 31(3): 471-481. \\
Kitchin, R., Collins, S. and Frost, D. (2015) Funding models for open access digital data repositories.  Online Information Review 39(5): 664 - 681. \\
Kitchin, R. and Lauriault, T. (2015) Small data in the era of big data.  GeoJournal 80(4): 463-475  \\
Kitchin, R. (2015) Making sense of smart cities: addressing present shortcomings.  Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (1): 131-136\\
O’Callaghan, C., Boyle, M., Kelly, S., and Kitchin, R. (2015) Topologies and topographies of Ireland’s neoliberal crisis. Space and Polity 19(1): 31-46.\\
Kitchin, R. (2014) The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences.  Sage, London.\\
Kitchin, R. (2014) The real-time city? Big data and smart urbanism.  GeoJournal 79(1): 1-14.\\
O’Callaghan, C., Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2014) Post-politics, crisis, and Ireland’s ghost estates. Political Geography 42, September: 121–133\\
Kitchin, R. O'Callaghan, C. and Gleeson, J. (2014) The new ruins of Ireland?  Unfinished estates in the post-Celtic Tiger era.  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(3): 1069-1080\\
Kitchin, R. (2014) Engaging publics: Writing as praxis.  Cultural Geographies 21(1): 153-157\\
Kitchin, R. (2014) Big data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts.  Big Data and Society 1 (April-June): 1-12. \\
Castree, N., Kitchin, R. and Rogers, A. (2013) A Dictionary of Human Geography.  Oxford University Press, Oxford.\\
Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2011) Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life.  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.  \\
Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. Editor-in-Chiefs, (2009) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (Elsevier, 2009) 12 volumes.\\