!!Juan Segui - Biography

Dr. Juan Seguí studied Psychology at the National University of Córdoba. He received his Diploma in Psychology from the Paris Institute of Psychology. He is also a Doctor of Psychology from the University of Paris. Doctor Honoris Causa of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Professor of Honor of the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and member of the European Academy. Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS. Laboratoire Mémoire et Cognition (Université René Descartes and CNRS), France. He has been director of L’Année Psychologique (1988-2006), and professor and member of the Council of COGMASTER in Cognitive Sciences of Paris (1994-2016). His specialty is Experimental Psychology (Psycholinguistics: Perception and production of language). Topics of interest: perception and production of oral and written language. Experimental psychology and Neuropsychology of language.