AE/AMS Mentoring Skills Workshop: “Building a research career in a changing environment”#
Date: 27th October 2015Venue: Hilton Cardiff, United Kingdom
Do you want to know more about careers in academic medicine? Would you like to develop your network of contacts and support?
Organised by the Academy of Medical Sciences, this event will provide a space for clinical academic trainees to network, learn about how to get a mentor, how to attract funding and how the changes in the research environment may influence their career. Early career researcher with a non-clinical background are also welcome to attend.
Speakers include:
- Professor Julie Williams FMedSci, Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales
- Professor Christopher Pugh FMedSci, Professor of Renal Medicine, University of Oxford
- Professor Paul Morgan FMedSci, Professor of Immunology, Cardiff University
- 12:00 Lunch & Registration
- 12:30 Welcome and Introduction: Professor Ole Petersen MRC CBE FRS FMedSci, Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
- 12:40 The research environment in Wales
Professor Julie Williams FMedSci, Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales
- 13:20 How to position yourself to attract funding
Each funder will provide a short introduction to their schemes. Two local trainees will interview the panel of funders.
Professor Jonathan Bisson, Director, Health and Care Research Wales, Dr Julia Dickinson, Programme Manager – Clinical Fellowships, Medical Research Council, Dr Rachel Macdonald, Head of Grants and Programmes, Academy of Medical Sciences
- 14:10 Coffee break
- 14:25 Effective support to further your career
The Academy of Medical Sciences mentoring scheme
Dr Sophie Papa, Clinical Lecturer, King’s College London, Professor Paul Morgan FMedSci, Professor of Immunology, Cardiff University Mentee from Wales
- 15:00 Small group discussions
Attendees rotate to different tables where senior academics are stationed to discuss particular issues in their career.
Group 1 - Combining research and clinical work
Professor Paul Morgan FMedSci, Professor of Immunology, University of Cardiff
Group 2 – Health of the public in 2040
Dr Vittal Katikireddi, Clinical Lecturer, University of Glasgow; Member of the Academy's working group for this project.
Group 3 - Working with Industry
Professor Chris Hancock, Chair in the Medical Microwave Systems Research Group, Bangor University
Group 4 - How to network effectively
Professor Jeremy Hall, Director, Neurosciences & Mental Health Research Institute, University of Cardiff
- 16:00 Keynote – My Career in Academic Medicine
Professor Christopher Pugh FMedSci, Professor of Renal Medicine, University of Oxford
- 17:00 Drinks reception
- 18:00 Close
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This event is free but spaces are limited. If you have any questions please email

Hilton Cardiff
Cardiff, CF10 3HH,
United Kingdom
TEL: +44-2920-646-300
FAX: +44-2920-646-350
Map link: Hilton Cardiff