From Open Science to Innovation, an Engineering Challenge for Europe#
On September 19, 2022, the “Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique” and the “Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten
” will host, in the Palace of the Academies, Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels, in the near vicinity of the European Commission’s premises, an international conference, the yearly Euro‑CASE conference.
Euro-CASE, The European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies, and Engineering, is an independent non-profit organisation of national academies of Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology from 23 European countries. Both the ARB and the KVAB are members of Euro-CASE.
The “Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique” (ARB), is the independent learned society of science and arts of the French Community of Belgium.
Its Dutch-speaking counterpart is the “Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten” (KVAB).
It is a particular conference since Euro-CASE celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2022, 250 years after the foundation of the “Académie impériale et royale de Bruxelles”.
The theme of this conference is: “From Open Science to Innovation, an Engineering Challenge for Europe”.
The conference, co-chaired by Prof. em. Joos Vandewalle MAE (KVAB) and dr. ir. Luc Chefneux (ARB) will consist of 5 main parts: an introduction, three sessions and the conference’s conclusions.
The sessions are dedicated to: “Promising ways of opening science”, “Technological and Industrial Innovation for the Prosperity of Europe” and “Technological Innovation for the Common Good of Humanity”.
Each session will consist of two main parts: a series of presentations framing the subject and a panel debate, covering the main questions to be addressed.
Session 1 sets the scene for the two next sessions.#
The digital transition has a strong impact on the mechanisms of science and the transfer to industry and society. There are interesting opportunities for better quality, spread and progress of research when there is more openness in the publications, the data, and the entire research process. We present the roles and actions of the universities, and applied research centres and debate about the impact on publishers, early career professionals, and employers.Session 2 explores how to build more efficient bridges between knowledge value and market value to securing the European Technological and Industrial Base. #
The session will address some key questions:
- How should the needs of high-tech businesses in the EU be linked to breakthrough science for securing their worldwide market position?
- How should the financial risks and benefits for the upscaling of the new technologies in the EU be shared? How can investments in important technologies be leveraged?
- How should the EU reinforce its industrial strategy in key domains?
Session 3 addresses the important historical and moral responsibility Europe has towards least developed countries. #
- Engineers and technology have a fundamental role to play in enabling this development, in a respectful, balanced and ethically sound relationship.
- In the field of IT (software and hardware) open source offers many opportunities and shows a way, which has to be extended to many other technical fields. In addition, low-tech approaches should be preferred.
- More generally, in the face of global existential challenges (pandemics, climate, biodiversity) new models of international cooperation must be implemented.
You are kindly invited to this fascinating conference.#
You can register your participation to this conference and find the detailed conference programme on the webpage of the conference, hosted on the Euro-CASE website.
Questions can be forwarded to the following e-mail address: