Turkey and Europe: Cultural Aspects#
24th-26th September 2014, Maria Plain, Austria #
The conference is co-sponsored by Academia Europaea in collaboration with the Commission for Migration and Integration Research (KMI) of the Austrian Academy of Science

The event coordinator is Prof. dr. Justin Stagl, member of the Social Sciences section.
This is the second event in this series and is supported by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond via a grant to the AE under the “Dialogue of Cultures” stream.
Online registration#
Members of the AE and YAE are welcome to attend the conference at their own expense. Registration is compulsory. Online registration
Futher information and the draft programme can be found at the OEAW Commission for Migration and Integration Research (KMI) site
Gasthof Maria Plain at Maria Plain near Salzburg, AustriaTelephone: +43 662450701
E-mail: info@mariaplain.com

For information of readers: Any further information can be requested from Ms Jennifer Carvill at the OEAW at jennifer.carvill@oeaw.ac.at. The conference papers will be published in a future special issue of The European Review.
The first workshop publication “Turkey and Europe: Core-Periphery” can be accessed from CUP online at European Review Vol 21 (3) July 2013.