Exploring the Shores of Fundamental Matter: Advances around the Northern Seas (NorSAC-2015)#
Date: 29 July 2015 to 4 August 2015Venue: University of Bergen, Norway
Event website

The International Workshop on Exploring the Shores of Fundamental Matter: Advances around the Northern Seas (NorSAC-2015) aims to collect theoreticians and experimentalists working in the field of nuclear physics and related fields.
Honorary Chair#
Jan S. Vaagen (University of Bergen, Norway)
Conference Chairs#
Larissa Bravina (University of Oslo, Norway)
Laszlo P. Csernai (University of Bergen, Norway)
Sigmund Grønmo (University of Bergen, Norway)
Jesper Tveit (University of Bergen, Norway)
Local Organizing Committee#
Sindre Velle (University of Bergen, Norway)
Yilong Xie (University of Bergen, Norway)
Eugeny Zabrodin (University of Oslo, Norway)
Important dates#
Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2015
Early registration deadline: March 15, 2015
Registration deadline: May 15, 2015