Xavier Freixas - Selected Publications#

Book: Bailing out the banks: Reconciling stability and competition, with T. Beck, D. Coyle, M. Dewatripont, and M. Seabright, CEPR, 2010. Google cit. 176

Book: Microeconomics of Banking, with J-C. Rochet, MIT Press (First Edition: 1997, Second: 2007), Google citations: 4132.

The Credit Rating Game, with P. Bolton and J. Shapiro, The Journal of Finance, 67, 2012. Highly cited in Web of Science 2016. Google citations: 784.

Relationship and Transaction Lending in a Crisis, w. P. Bolton, L. Gambacorta and P. Mistrulli, Review of Financial Studies, 29, 2016, Google cit.: 345

Bank liquidity, Interbank Markets and Monetary Policy, w. A. Martin and D. Skie, Review of Financial Studies, 24, 2011, Google cit.: 225

Corporate Finance and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism, w. P. Bolton, Review of Financial Studies, 19, 2006, 20o7 Michael Brennan Award. Google cit.: 231.

Interbank Market Integration under Asymmetric Information, w. C. Holthausen, Review of Financial Studies, 18, 2005. Google cit.: 229

Systemic Risk, Interbank Relationsand Liquidity Provision by Central Banks, w. B. Parigi and J-C. Rochet, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 32, 2000. Reprinted in Ch. Goodhart and G. Illing, eds: Financial Crisis, Contagion and the Lender of Last Resort, Oxford U. Press. Google cit.: 1504

Equity, Bonds and Bank Debt: Capital Structure and Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information, w. P. Bolton, Journal of Political Economy, 2000, Google cit.: 744

Planning under Incomplete Information and the Ratchet Effect, W. R. Guesnerie and J. Tirole, Review of Economic Studies, 169, 1985, Google cit.: 619. This paper was mentioned in the Nobel Award nomination of Jean Tirole.

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