Inés Macho-Stadler - Biography#

Inés Macho-Stadler started her research career in the field of contract theory, incentives and information economics. She has kept an active interest in this very broad topic, on which she wrote a very widely known book (in Spanish, then translated into English and Chinese), while enlarging her range of contributions in many different directions. She has articles on pure game theory, extending the traditional solutions for cooperative games to environments with externalities. But mostly she has explored a wide range of applications to fields of great social impact. She has worked on industry regulation, on the economics of health, on the possible remedies to tax evasion, and on the control of emissions.

Her recent work concentrates on the Economics of Innovation, with a broad view of the subject, including the study of spinoffs, licences, patents, incentives to innovation and private-public cooperation.

Inés Macho-Stadler has developed most of her career at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she has directed 16 doctoral dissertations. She has been a visitor at different universities, with extended stays in San Diego, Copenhagen, Leuven, CESifo (Munich) and McGill (Montréal).

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